Actualisation et mise en ligne de nouvelles bonnes pratiques de soins infirmiers : découvrez-les sans plus tarder
Titre abrégé
N° Eudract
Phase de l'essai
- Phase III
Type de promoteur
Académique / Institutionnel
Nom du promoteur
Age e"18 years f& Newly diagnosed AML or MDS-EB2 defined according to WHO criteria, with a documented IDH1 or IDH2 gene mutation (as determined by the clinical trial assay) at a specific site (IDH1 R132, IDH2 R140, IDH2 R172). AML may be secondary to prior hematological disorders, including MDS, and/or therapy-related (in which prior disease should have been documented to have existed for at least 3 months). Patients may have had previous treatment with hypomethylating agents (HMAs) for MDS. HMAs have to be stopped at least four weeks before registration f& Patients with dual mutant FLT3 and IDH1 or IDH2 mutations may be enrolled only if, for medical or other reasons, treatment with a FLT3 inhibitor is not considered. f& Considered to be eligible for intensive chemotherapy. f& ECOG/WHO performance status d" 2 f& Adequate hepatic function as evidenced by: o Serum total bilirubin d" 2.5 × upper limit of normal (ULN) unless considered due to Gilbert s disease (e.g. a mutation in UGT1A1) (only for patients in IDH2 cohort), or leukemic involvement of the liver following written approval by the (Co)Principal Investigator. o Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) d" 3.0 × ULN, unless considered due to leukemic involvement of the liver, following written approval by the Principal Investigator. f& Adequate renal function as evidenced by creatinine clearance > 40 mL/min based on the Cockroft-Gault formula for glomerular filtration rate (GFR). f& Able to understand and willing to sign an informed consent form (ICF). f& Written informed consent f& Female patients of reproductive potential must undergo a pregnancy test prior to starting study drug and this test must have a negative result. The first pregnancy test will be performed at entry (within 7 days prior to first study drug administration). A pregnancy test should also be repeated within 72 hours before the first study drug administration and confirmed negative prior to dosing. Patients with reproductive potential are defined as sexually mature women who have not undergone a hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy or tubal occlusion or who have not been naturally postmenopausal for at least 24 consecutive months. f& Females of reproductive potential as well as fertile men and their partners who are females of reproductive potential must agree to abstain from sexual intercourse or to use a highly effective form of contraception from the time of giving informed consent, during the study, and for 4 months (females and males) following the last dose of ivosidenib/enasidenib or placebo. A highly effective form of contraception is defined as hormonal oral contraceptives, injectables, patches, intrauterine devices, double-barrier method (e.g., synthetic condoms, diaphragm or cervical cap with spermicidal foam, cream, or gel) or male partner sterilization. f& Subject agrees not to participate in another interventional study while on treatment
Prior chemotherapy for AML or MDS-EB2 (with the exception of HMA). Hydroxyurea is allowed for the control of peripheral leukemic blasts in patients with leukocytosis (e.g., white blood cell [WBC] counts > 30x109/L). f& Dual IDH1 and IDH2 mutations. f& Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) with PML-RARA or one of the other pathognomonic variant fusion genes/chromosome translocations. f& Blast crisis after chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). f& Taking medications with narrow therapeutic windows with potential interaction with investigational medication (see Appendix I), unless the patient can be transferred to other medications prior to enrolling or unless the medications can be properly monitored during the study. Taking P-glycoprotein (P-gp) or breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) transportersensitive substrate medications (see Appendix J) unless the patient can be transferred to other medications within e" 5 half-lives prior to administration of ivosidenib or enasidenib, or unless the medications can be properly monitored during the study. f& Breast feeding at the start of study treatment. f& Active infection, including hepatitis B or C or HIV infection that is uncontrolled at randomization. An infection controlled with an approved or closely monitored antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal treatment is allowed. f& Patients with a currently active second malignancy. Patients are not considered to have a currently active malignancy if they have completed therapy and are considered by their physician to be at < 30% risk of relapse within one year. However, patients with the following history/concurrent conditions are allowed: o Basal or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin o Carcinoma in situ of the cervix o Carcinoma in situ of the breast o Incidental histologic finding of prostate cancer f& Significant active cardiac disease within 6 months prior to the start of study treatment, including New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III or IV congestive heart failure (appendix G), myocardial infarction, unstable angina and/or stroke, or left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 40% by ultrasound or MUGA scan obtained within 28 days prior to the start of study treatment. f& QTc interval using Fridericia s formula (QTcF) e" 450 msec or other factors that increase the risk of QT prolongation or arrhythmic events (e.g., heart failure, hypokalemia, family history of long QT interval syndrome). Prolonged QTc interval associated with bundle branch block or pacemaking is permitted with written approval of the Principal Investigator. f& Taking medications that are known to prolong the QT interval (see Appendix K), unless the patient can be transferred to other medications within e" 5 half-lives prior to dosing or unless the medications can be properly monitored during the study. f& Dysphagia, short-gut syndrome, gastroparesis, or other conditions that limit the ingestion or gastrointestinal absorption of orally administered drugs. f& Clinical symptoms suggestive of active central nervous system (CNS) leukemia or known CNS leukemia. Evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during screening is only required if there is a clinical suspicion of CNS involvement by leukemia during screening. f& A known medical history of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML).
Nom du centre
HCL - CH Lyon Sud
Lyon -
Contact Investigateur
Alexandre DELOIRE
Nom du centre
Centre Léon Bérard
Lyon -
Contact Investigateur
Autre contact
Dr MICHALLET Anne Sophie ; Dr NICOLAS VIRELIZIER Emmanuelle ; Dr REY Philippe ; Dr LEBRAS Laure ; DR GUILLERMIN Yann ;
Autre contact
Mr MONFRAY Jérémy ;
Nom du centre
CH Métropole Savoie - Site Aix-les-Bains
Contact Investigateur
PICA Gian Matteo
Mme Charlène =IF(AH7="Charlène","DUPRE",IF(AH7="Fabienne","PRIEUR",IF(AH7="Florence","JEGO",IF(AH7="Alix","COUROUAU",IF(AH7="Marie-Christine","CARRET",IF(AH7="Maryse","DABO",IF(AH7="Claire T","TRENSEAUX","")))))))
Nom du centre
CHU de St Etienne
Contact Investigateur
TAVERNIER Emmanuelle
Mme Céline Lavoué
Nom du centre
CHU Grenoble Alpes - Hôpital Nord
Contact Investigateur
BULABOIS Claude Eric